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Requested translations - mominasulza

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Results 1 - 4 of about 4
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabic kifo.shu sar ma3ak 2li men shan a3ref I2no bedon...
kifo.shu sar ma3ak 2li men shan a3ref I2no bedon eshteru al biletat 4ao

Completed translations
Bulgarian Kak si? kakvo stane? kajete mi,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English if u need ADVICE msg me if u need a FRIEND CALL...
if u need ADVICE msg me if u need a FRIEND CALL MEif U need HELP E-MAIL ME
if U need MONEY The number u dialed is not in service pls dont't try again
sms style >>>"meaning only"
<edit> "dailed" with "dialed"</edit>

Completed translations
Bulgarian Ако имаш нужда